Java User Group
South Wales


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Software Agents: Autonomy and Intelligence in the Network
Robert Hercock, BT Research Labs, Adastral Park, Martlesham, Ipswich

The expansion of the Internet and e-commerce revolution highlights the need for smarter self-regulating applications and services. Software Agents have been proposed as a possible solution to the demands of very large scale and complex network based systems. This presentation reviews the current state of agent technology and considers where future developments of agent systems will lead.

Robert joined BT's ISR group in September 1997 after completing a PhD in Autonomous Mobile Robots at Salford University. From 1994 to 1997 he was employed as a Research Assistant investigating co-operation between mobile robots. He completed an MSc in Real-Time Electronic Systems in 1992 at Bradford Universty and a BSc in Physics and Electronic Engineering at Keele University in 1991.

His research interests include Non-Linear systems, Artificial Life, Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Agent Systems. Current research at BT is focused on investigating Mobile Agents in network systems.

[Java User Group, South Wales]