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Obtaining user input

prompt_read(Prompt_list, Term)

read1 :-
  prompt_read(['Enter a likes clause'],Clause).

read2(Name, Feeling) :- 
  ask(['How are you,', Name, ?],Feeling),

Figure 1: Prompt dialog

Figure 2: Ask dialog

menu(Music) :-
 scroll_menu(['What music do you like ?'],
 ['Jazz'], Music).

Figure 3: Dialog Menu

question1 :-
 yesno(['Is the moon green',?]).

question2 :-
  myesno(['Have you switched off the gas',?]).

Figure 4: The Modeless yes/no dialog

Figure 5: The Modal yes/no dialog

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Omer F Rana
Mon Mar 17 12:45:35 GMT 1997