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Translation of a problem into Prolog


Blood is red
Summer is hot
Miles is a jazz performer

red( blood).
hot( summer).
jazz_performer( miles).

Properties or relationships by predicates.
red, hot and jazz_performer are predicate names which denote properties or relations and
blood, summer and miles are arguments which denote individuals, or particular occurences.

Note :

Oder of predicates' arguments is arbitrary but MUST be consistent with our interpretation and maintained throughout.

son( john, tom).

son( tom, john).

{Important to decide the order of arguments and then strictly adhere to this format.

Lists :

days_of_the_week( [mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun] ).

B<>Order of terms is important.

Multiple Ways of Expression

  1. red( blood).
  2. colour( blood, red).
  3. property( blood, colour, red)

A predicate is determined by its name and arity :

child( ahmed).
child( ahmed, peter).
child( ahmed, peter, helen).

  1. Ahmed is a child.
  2. Ahmed is Peter's child.
  3. Ahmed is a child of Peter and Helen.

child/2 : an unambiguous specification of the predicate with the name child nad with two arguments.

Hence :

child(ahmed, peter).
child( [ahmed, peter], helen).
child( helen, 2)

Tom and Ann are pupils. Dr. Richard is their lecturer and Prof. Green is their H-O-D. Relations of this type can be expressed using a tree.

lecturer( dr_richard, tom). lecturer( dr_richard, ann). h_o_d( prof_green, dr_richard).


A person will buy things if he/she needs them and he/she can pay their price

buy( Person, Thing) :-
   needs( Person, Thing),
   price( Thing, Price), 
   can_pay( Person, Price).

Write a Prolog rule for :

A Day is nice if it is sunny and not windy.


I<>X will win a boxing match if X will either knock-out Y or if he/she will get more points than Y

win_a_boxing_match( X, Y) :-
  knock_out( X,Y) ;
  (points( X, Px),
   points( Y, Py),
   Px > Py).

Write a Prolog rule for :

For all X, Y and Z, X is a grandfather of Y if X is a father of Z, and Z is either a father or a mother of Y.


Sequences of k tex2html_wrap_inline76 0 terms, enclosed in square brackets and seperated by commas.

e.g. [] (empty list) (k = 0)

Q: lst([1,a,X])
A: yes

Q: lst([ ])
A: yes

Q: compound([1,a,X])
A: yes

Q: compound([])
A: no

List is a Prolog structure used to represent an ordered sequence of terms. Also,


Elements of a list can be arbitrary Prolog terms

Elements of a list may also be a list

, [a], [b], [] ]

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Omer F Rana
Fri Jan 31 12:55:17 GMT 1997