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Compound Terms and Structures

An example, a menu :

lunch( Soft_drink, Main_meal, Donut, Beverage)

eg : lunch( diet_coke, pizza, donut, coffee)

donut(jam_donut, ring_donut, choc_donut, caramel_donut, custard_donut)

With lunch now becoming a mouthful :

lunch( Soft_drink, Main_meal,
donut(jam_donut, ring_donut, choc_donut, caramel_donut, custard_donut),

etc ...

As structures get more complex, it is usually better to start representing them as Trees, so that the relationships between sub-structures become more clear.

More Lists

A non-empty list consists of a HEAD and a TAIL.

The FIRST ELEMENT is said to be the HEAD of the list and the rest constitutes the TAIL.

We can make this explicit, by using the \| notation, for instance :

[1,2,3] = [1 | [2,3]]

["One", "Two", "Three"]		"One" 	["Two","Three"]

[145]				145	[]

[]				undefined undefined

[[1,2],[3,4,5],[]]		[1,2]	[[3,4,5],[]]

[a]				a	[]

List is a very important and useful data structure within Prolog, and extensively used.

Omer F Rana
Mon Feb 3 13:14:13 GMT 1997