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Recursive clause

ancestor(Ancestor, Person) :-
  parent(Parent, Person),
  ancestor(Ancestor, Parent).
(tail recursion)
ancestor(Ancestor, Person) :-
 parent(Ancestor, Perso).
(base case)

Make head and tail of the following :

[X | [Y]]
[[ a,b,c | d],e | [ f,g | X]]
[ a | [ b | [ c | [d]]]]

Similarly with lists :

list_length([H|T], N) :- 
 	N is N1+1.

This can be explained as :

The recursive use of the list_length relationship allows the length to be calculated. Each time, we are adding on one element (the head) to our calculation.

Omer F Rana
Fri Feb 7 11:39:23 GMT 1997