Prolog Lab 3 University of Wales, Cardiff This exercise is not assessed, but it is in your interest to practise this, because SOON there might be one that is. It was mentioned in the lectures that Prolog can be used as a database, where relations could be analysed using queries combined with AND / OR operations. A database containing information about students, lecturers, courses and individual lectures contains relations of the type : course(CourseNo,Ctitle, Clecturer) lecture(LectureNo, CourseNo, Ltitle) attended(StudentName, CourseNo, LectureNo) The database is as follows : course(122, c_programming, dave_marshall). course(233, operating_systems, jeremy_smith). course(325, expert_systems, andrew_jones). course(422, neural_networks, antonia_jones). course(256, databases, alex_grey). lecture(1, 122, introduction). lecture(2, 122, basic_syntax). lecture(3, 122, memory_management). lecture(4, 122, pointers). lecture(1, 233, introduction). lecture(2, 233, kernel). lecture(1, 325, introduction). lecture(2, 325, trees). lecture(3, 325, predicate_calculus). lecture(1, 422, introduction). lecture(2, 422, backpropagation). lecture(3, 422, gamma_test). lecture(1, 256, introduction). lecture(2, 256, oracle). lecture(3, 256, processing_queries). attended(willaim_parsons, 422,1). attended(william_parsons, 422,2). attended(william_parsons, 325,1). attended(william_parsons, 325,2). attended(william_parsons, 325,3). attended(james_smith, 122, 1). attended(james_smith, 122, 2). attended(james_smith, 122, 3). attended(james_smith, 122, 4). attended(james_smith, 233, 2). attended(helen_randall, 256,1). attended(helen_randall, 256,2). attended(helen_randall, 256,3). attended(helen_randall, 233,1). attended(helen_randall, 422,1). Note : The above data is available as a text file at or via the course web page at : Write the following Prolog clauses : taught by(StudentName, LecturerName) - student StudentName was taught by lecturer LecturerName was at(StudentName, Coursetitle, Lecturetitle) - student StudentName was at lecture titled Lecturetitle on course titled Coursetitle pursued course(StudentName, CourseNo) - student named StudentName pursued course CourseNo Add a simple user interface to the three clauses above. Can you combine the three into one dialog which uses check boxes or radio buttons. Write a clause to incorporate the user interface features. Add another clause which suggests that the student was a poor course attender - i.e. he/she pursued a given course, but there is some lecture within that course he/she did not attend poor attender(StudentName) - student named StudentName is a poor attender Change your clauses to be able to add (append) and delete (retract) information dynamically from the database. Amend the program so that each person (students and lecturers alike) is given a unique number, and a name of clause associates the person's name and number