Help on Using the Applets

The applets are simple to use. You can see that the display comprises of four areas:
To Start the demonstration, press Start. You will get a prompt asking for the data type. The default is Random data, but you can enter your own if you wish. To do this, select User Data, and enter the data as prompted.

You will now be prompted to enter the detail level. This is how often the program pauses to allow you to view the data. Most users will select Line by line to get a detailed view of the algorithm. Select Top Level to get an overall view of the algorithm, without too much detail. Selecting No pauses at all will just sort the data without interruption.

You are now ready to start the demonstration. Press Next to step through the algorithm, observing the code and changes in the data. The algorithm will progress in this way until the data has been sorted.

You can Reset the demonstration at any time. This will take you back to the initial screen. Now press Start to start again.

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