DIY Cloud

Ka Him Ho


Supervised by Ralph Martin; Moderated by Irena Spasic

Various cloud solutions like Dropbox and Google Drive automatically synchronise data in the cloud to a local computer. The aim of this project is to build a DIY cloud solution, based on an FTPS server controlled by the user. You should provide clients for various platforms (e.g. several of Linux / Mac / Windows / iOS / Android) which - store a master copy of selected files on an FTPS server - downloads changes to all clients as and when the master copy is updated - update the master copy if a file on a client is changed - this should all be done in the background automatically, without user interaction - it should handle issues like clients going offline for a time - it should resolve conflicts if two clients change the file at the same time - it should not reduce battery life too much on a mobile device - care should be taken to avoid data loss - it should be possible to add / remove files easily - the user should easily be able to specify what files are to be synced

Initial Plan (02/02/2015) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (05/05/2015) [Zip Archive]

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