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The Impact of Potential Changes to the ICT Curriculum in British Schools

Elin C Morgan


Supervised by Wendy K Ivins; Moderated by Alia I Abdelmoty

Proposals are being discussed which may lead to a redefinition of the ICT syllabus for schools. It is clear the curriculum currently in place is inadequate leaving students uninterested and lacking skills future employers are seeking. More time, money and training is needed to ensure students have the ability to succeed during a time of such extensive technological change.

This project is concerned with an assessment of what changes could be made in order to improve ICT in schools and the impact these changes would have on pupils. Potential initiatives will be considered that could be used to develop children???s skills and knowledge and completely re launch ICT in schools as we know it.

Through the use of systems dynamics, possible recommendations for change will be simulated to identify if it is possible to develop an appropriate information system that will support decision making in ICT in schools.

Initial Plan (19/10/2012) [Zip Archive]

Interim Report (14/12/2012) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (03/05/2013) [Zip Archive]

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