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Time stamp: 07:50:54-2/5/2024


Lift Share Application

Sam Douthwaite-Robinson


Supervised by David W Walker; Moderated by Alun D Preece

Public transport fares for long distance journeys are on the rise, and although environmentally friendly they???re not always economically friendly. For many journeys the car remains to be the most convenient way of travel; however not always the most affordable when paying for a journey alone. From personal experience alone sharing a lift is far cheaper than making a journey alone.

ICT is able to help people this situation. With an ever growing of people turning to online services for day-to-day tasks, why shouldn???t they have the opportunity to have more options when travelling?

My aim is to develop a service which provides a safe and secure environment for people to share vehicles when travelling. It should offer a safer a process to existing services such as It will also use mobile devices to help enhance the lift sharing process and bridge the gap between online and the real life journey.

Initial Plan (02/02/2014) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (06/05/2014) [Zip Archive]

Publication Form