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Time stamp: 09:09:50-2/5/2024


How can we better support the student rep system?

Susan P Cammiade


Supervised by Helen R Phillips; Moderated by Dave Marshall

The student rep system (Student staff panel) relies on communication. Reps communicate with students on their degree, with year tutors and with the academic rep co-ordinator. The flow of information between all stakeholders is as essential element to the effectivenes of the rep system.

The deliverables of this project can be: - a comprehensive set of recommendations - a design of a system - an integration of tools that can be used - a developed dispoke system, fully or partial

The scope of the project will be discussed with the supervisor in the first few weeks.

Initial Plan (31/01/2016) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (08/06/2016) [Zip Archive]

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