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Time stamp: 05:08:38-15/5/2024


Anti-Bullying Web-App for Children and Young Adults

Jake Ziegler


Supervised by Yulia Cherdantseva; Moderated by Martin Caminada

This project involves developing an anti-bullying Android web-app for children and young adults. One in three children is involved in bullying as either a bully or a victim. Bullying is a problem not only for younger children and teenagers, young adults may become victims of bullying as well. With the widespread use of social media, cyberbullying became a noticeable issue of the online world. To address the problem this project will investigate the problem of bullying, with a participial focus on cyber bullying and will aim to design and develop a web-application that will help victims of bullying to identify and deal with cyberbullying, and will help parents to support children who experience bullying.

Initial Plan (08/02/2021) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (28/05/2021) [Zip Archive]

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